
  1. Erinin, M. A., Néel, B., Mazzatenta, M. T., Duncan, J. H., and Deike, L. (2023). “Comparison between shadow imaging and in-line holography for measuring droplet size distributions,” Exp. Fluids, 64, 96. [DOI] [HAL]
  2. Néel, B., and Deike, L. (2022). “Velocity and size quantification of drops in single and collective bursting bubbles experiments,” Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 103603. [DOI] [HAL]
  3. Ruth, D. J., Néel, B., Erinin, M. A., Mazzatenta, M., Jaquette, R., Veron, F., and Deike, L. (2022). “Three-Dimensional Measurements of Air Entrainment and Enhanced Bubble Transport During Wave Breaking,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL099436. [DOI] [HAL]
  4. Erinin, M. A., Néel, B., Ruth, D. J., Mazzatenta, M., Jaquette, R. D., Veron, F., and Deike, L. (2022). “Speed and Acceleration of Droplets Generated by Breaking Wind-Forced Waves,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2022GL098426. [DOI] [HAL]
  5. Néel, B., Erinin, M. A., and Deike, L. (2022). “Role of Contamination in Optimal Droplet Production by Collective Bubble Bursting,” Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, e2021GL096740. [DOI] [HAL]
  6. Néel, B., and Deike, L. (2021). “Collective bursting of free-surface bubbles, and the role of surface contamination,” J. Fluid Mech., 917, A46. [DOI] [HAL]
  7. Néel, B., Lhuissier, H., and Villermaux, E. (2020). “‘Fines’ from the collision of liquid rims,” J. Fluid Mech., 893, A16. [DOI] [HAL]
  8. Néel, B., and Villermaux, E. (2018). “The spontaneous puncture of thick liquid films,” J. Fluid Mech., 838, 192–221. [DOI] [HAL]
  9. Lhuissier, H., Néel, B., and Limat, L. (2014). “Viscoelasticity Breaks the Symmetry of Impacting Jets,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 113, 194502. [DOI] [HAL]
  10. Néel, B., Rondini, I., Turzillo, A., Mujica, N., and Soto, R. (2014). “Dynamics of a first-order transition to an absorbing state,” Phys. Rev. E, 89, 042206. [DOI] [HAL]

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